Friday, October 16, 2009

Red dates and honey dates tea

For 1 serving only,

1. 1 teaspoon of red tea leaves or 1 piece of tea bag
2. 10 pieces of big red dates
3. 2 pieces of fresh honey dates (not the smoked honey dates)
4. 3/4 mug of plain water (because when you put all the dates inside, it will full up to 1 mug)

Method of Preparation:
1. Put all the dates inside the plain water in a small stove
2. Boil the water and dates for 20 minutes
3. After the water boiled, change it to a mug, wait for another 10 minutes so that the flavor of the dates will sweeten the tea, and we don't need to add any sugar inside the tea.

Explanation for the Tea Function:
As we see that nowadays there are a lot of diseases and prevention is better then cure, so this tea itself has the active antioxidant that can make the body immune system become stronger.
Without additional sugar makes this tea worth to be tried, because all the sweetness is from the dates, it can lower the diabetes risk, and it can also lower the cholesterol because tea can rinse the bad fat inside our body. the dates can cure the anemia because dates have the function to increase the hemoglobin inside the blood.

So, happy trying...


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