(For 1 Serving)
- Darn Mackerel : 150 Gr
- Sliced Big Red Chili : 15 Gr
- Sliced Shallot : 40 Gr
- Sliced Garlic : 2 Gr
- Wedges Tomatoes : 25 Gr
- Sliced Lemon Grass : 1 Pieces
- Sliced Young Ginger : 3 Gr
- Sliced Lime : 0.5 pieces
- Sugar : 1.5 gr
- Salt & Pepper
- Oil : 5 Ml
- Water : 3 Ml
- Lime (Juice) : 1 Pieces
- Local Basil : 1.5 Gr
Cooking Method:
- Prepared all the materials and tools
- Marinade fish with salt, pepper, lime juice, and let it like absorbed until 30 minutes
- Saute all gravies until the smell good, and add water, simmer, add basil, seasoning and then stop the fire.
- take some of the gravy and add on the fish that has been marinaded and let it until absorbed for 15 minutes.
- grill fish until cooked and the colour is yellow brown.
- served while hot and garnished with basil.
Happy Trying.........